Public Education And Community Outreach

Goldsboro Fire Department offers a variety of community outreach and public education opportunities to support our community and educate our citizens on fire safety. Our goal is to see each citizen educated on fire safety in the hopes they will never need to use that knowledge. Check out the variety of community outreach opportunities we provide! 

Fire Safety Education

The Goldsboro Fire Department is proactive in fire education and prevention efforts. Our firefighters are available through scheduled appointments to visit schools, churches or other organizations to help teach children and adults the importance of fire safety. Station Tours and Truck Displays are also available upon request. Please contact 919-580-4265, option 2 to schedule an appointment. Appointments need to be made at least two weeks prior to event.

Attention Parents and Educators:

Visit for an interactive website for kids to learn more about fire safety.

Watch Fire Safety Videos

Play Fire Safety Games

Explore “Sparky’s Firehouse”

Download Sparky’s Apps

Child Seat Safety Program

The Goldsboro Fire Department offers a Child Seat Safety Program to instruct adults in installing child passenger seats while reinforcing the importance of seat belt law compliance.

GFD Station 2 – 1900 Royall Ave

1st & 3rd Wednesday of the month

2:00 pm – 5:00 pm

For other weekdays, please call the Partnership for Children of Wayne County at
for more information or to schedule an appointment.

If you have received a violation regarding a car seat, please call the Partnership for
Children of Wayne County
to register for the car seat safety class.

Explorer Program

The Goldsboro Fire Department Explorer Program is open to all individuals in Wayne County between the ages of 14-20 with an interest in learning more about careers in the fire service.

The Explorer Program is a hands-on program that exposes participants to many career experiences, leadership opportunities, and community service activities. The primary goal of the program is to help young adults choose a career path within fire service and to challenge them to become responsible citizens in their community.

The Explorer meet with members of our staff on the third Thursday night each month from 6:30-8:30 pm
For more information, complete this form or contact the Assistant Chief of Training at 919-580-4265, option 1

Explorer Interest Form

Honor Guard

Goldsboro Fire Department’s Honor Guard was established in 2001. This volunteer group of Goldsboro Fire Department members is dedicated to providing a dignified, honorable service for Active or Retired members that may need our assistance for surviving family members and/or our brothers and sisters throughout the fire service. The Honor Guard also represents the department in parades, ceremonial functions and public events, while also participating in services upon request.

For more information or to request the Honor Guard’s services, please call 919-580-4265, option 2.