Office of the Fire Chief

Station Locations and Information
Fire Station 1 is located at 204 S. Center Street. The back side of the station, which is viewed in the photo below, is facing Spruce Street. It is the Headquarters of Goldsboro Fire Department and all Command Staff and Administration operate out of this station.
Station 1 was built in 1976 and has the following apparatus:
- Tower 1 – 2018 Pierce 100 ft. Aerial Platform. 1500 GPM Pump / Tank holds 300 gallons of water
- Engine 1 – 2015 Pierce Pumper Arrow XT. 1500 GPM Pump / Tank holds 750 gallons of water
- Brush 1 – 2011 Ford F350 with Skid Unit
- Battalion 1 – Battalion Chief – 2023 Chevy Tahoe
- 8 Command Staff /Operations Vehicles
Fire Station 2 is located at 1901 Royall Ave. Station 2 was built in 2000 and has the following apparatus:
- Engine 2 – 2023 Spartan/Smeal Rear Mount Aerial. Tank holds 450 gallons of water/foam.
- Engine 9 – 2000 E-One Quint. Tank holds 450 gallons of water/foam. (Reserve Arial Apparatus)
Fire Station 3 is located at 100 E Patetown Road. Station 3 was built in 1966 and has the following apparatus:
- Engine 3 – 2010 Ferrara 1,500 GPM / 750 gallon tank.
Fire Station 4 is located at 1300 Poplar Street. Station 4 was built in 1984 and has the following apparatus:
Fire Station 5 is located at 3521 Central Heights Road. Station 5 was built in 1998 and has the following apparatus:
- Engine 5 – 2006 E-One. Tank holds 1,000 gallons of water/foam and also serves as a Light Tower/Rescue Tool.
- Engine 8 – 1998 Marion (Reserve Engine).
Our Training Grounds is located at 900 McDaniel Ave. It features several connex buildings that are able to simulate a variety of fire scenes and skill sets. There is also a training building wh ere classroom training can take place. It is utilized by our firefighters for their regular training requirements and also by our training academy. Each year, we join with Wayne Community College to offer a fire academy to future firefighters.
Department Divisions
The Support Services Division is responsible for:
- All Apparatus
- Staff Vehicles
- Facilities
- Fire Equipment
- Radios
- Protective Gear
- Air Packs
- Uniforms
- Supplies
- Grant Writing
- Contracts and Services
The Training Division is responsible for recruitment and training of staff.
Fire Personnel are required to have 240 hours per year including:
- Facilities Training
- Officers Training
- Drivers Training
- Haz-mat Training
- New Driver Training
- Structural Fire Suppression Training
- Technical Rescue
- Auto Aid
Our monthly training hours average 2200 hours collectively. During the average workday, our firefighters are involved in some type of training to improve their skills.
The Training Division is also responsible for insuring adequate training for the specialty teams such as the Water Rescue Team. This training is over and above the regular training required for the firefighters.
Another aspect of our Training Division is Recruitment. Our department is always seeking out those that are interested in the fire service. We can help mentor you to help achieve your goal of a career in the fire service. Contact our Training Division at 919-580-4265, Option 1 for more information about careers in the fire service.
Our Inspections Division is responsible for fire safety throughout the city including the inspections of building and presenting fire safety education to all members of our community.
The goals of the Inspection Division are to:
- Raise the public’s awareness of fire safety considerations
- Identify fire hazards that must be eliminated for a safer environment
- Develop records and reports of inspection information that will serve in public record
- Verify proper functions and maintenance of fire protection systems and equipment.
To schedule an inspection for your location, contact our Fire Marshal or Fire Inspection Captain at 919-580-4265, Option 3
Plans review and new construction inspections are conducted in close cooperation with the City of Goldsboro Building Inspections Department. To schedule inspections of new construction and fire protection systems you must call the City Inspections Department at 919-580-4385.
All Businesses are required to have a periodic inspection on their facility. The following are examples of types of businesses and their frequency requirements for inspections.
- 1 Year Inspection:
- Assembly – Restaurants, clubs and places of entertainment
- Hazardous – Hazardous materials, flammable liquids facilities
- Institutional – Hospital, nursing homes, licensed care facilities, jails
- High-Rise Buildings and Residential (except one and two family dwellings)
- 2 Year Inspection:
- Industrial Facilities
- Educational Facilities (except public schools)
- 3 Year Inspection:
- Businesses
- Mercantile, Storage Facilities
- Churches and Synagogues
A fire inspection should include checking for the following:
- The means of egress as pertaining to life safety considerations
- Fire protection systems – fire alarms that give early warning to occupants and fire suppression systems that control fire in the early stages
- Heating systems as they affect the furnace, the fuel-supply and ignition systems, vents and chimney
- Electrical systems – including electrical distribution, motors, extension cords, lamps, lighting fixtures, grounding and other related areas.
- Mechanical systems – such as heating and air conditioning systems
- Storage – where materials are being stored and how they are arranged in occupancies. Recycling programs have had an impact on buildings not designed to house these used products until they are scheduled for pickup.
For more detailed information about our Inspections Division or Fire Codes, please contact Fire Marshall Lee at 919-580-4265, Option 3
The Operations Division consist of 3 shifts (A, B, and C) and includes a total of 75 personnel. Each Shift is assigned with 1 Assistant/Battalion Chief, 6 Captains, 6 Engineers, and 12 Firefighters. Each front line apparatus is operated with 4 personnel. We operate 6 companies out of 5 stations including 1 Engine company per station and our Tower company out of Station 1. The Assistant/Battalion Chief operates out of Station 1.
The Operations Division works a schedule of:
24 hours on
24 hours off
24 hours on
24 hours off
24 hours on
96 hours off
This averages to a 56 hour work week. Each shift begins and ends at 08:00.
While many citizens assume the fire department only respond to calls related to an actual fire, we actually respond to many other types of incidents. Our Operations Division responds to emergencies involving EMS, vehicle accidents, trench rescues, water rescues, extrication, false alarms, as well as all fire related emergencies.
Special Teams
The Water Rescue Team is a group of 18 highly trained members of Goldsboro Fire Department. Members go through rigorous training each year to qualify for this team. They are also provided other training throughout the year such as shore-based rescue techniques, boat operations, and other drills in order to keep their skills at the optimum level. Goldsboro Fire Department has four boats/rafts in which to utilize in the event of a water rescue.
The Trench Rescue team is comprised of 36 members skillfully trained in Trench Rescue Operations. There are 12 members on each of the 3 shifts and they are located at Station 1, Station 3, and Station 4. They are geared in proper footwear, helmets, gloves, and eye protection for their safety. The members of this team are trained to make quick, life-safety decisions for both the victim(s) and GFD personnel.
The High-Angle/Confined Space Rescue Team is made up of 36 members, 12 on each of the 3 shifts. These members are located at Station 1, Station 2, and Station 5. These team members are equipped with a chest or full body harness, retrieval lines, testing and monitoring equipment, ventilation equipment, radios, personal protective equipment, lighting, barriers and shields, ladders, rescue and emergency equipment. The purpose of this team is to rescue those trapped in locations that has limited or restricted means of entry or exit.
ISO Rating

ISO (Insurance Services Office) ratings are between 1 and 10, with a 1 being the top tier. Goldsboro Fire Department is proud to have earned an ISO Rating of 2. We are in the top 5% of all fire departments in North Carolina, as well as the United States. We were evaluated on our department call response, staff training, pre-plans, apparatus types and quantities, station locations, community risk reduction, and so much more. It also involved an evaluation of our emergency communications, as well as water supply within the city. What does this mean for you? Better insurance rates are among the benefits of a fire department having a better ISO rating. Also, it should give our citizens the peace of mind knowing that we are an excellent department, equipped to serve you in the best way possible.
Goldsboro Fire Department Average Call Volume
Goldsboro Fire Department serves the 33,600 citizens within the 25 square mile city limits of Goldsboro. We receive an average of 3,230 calls per year including structure fires, vehicle accidents, false alarms, EMS, etc. We also assist Wayne County Fire Departments through mutual/auto aid that covers an additional 533 square miles and approximately 84,000 more citizens.
*Data as of 2022 Census